Help soul mates find the perfect match on your dating website hosted on .date domain name.

Starting from $30/yr
Intended Use: Dating Website, Dating App Website, Dating Network Website, Dating Agency Website, Love & Dating Websites.

Date Domain Highlights

date domain name
Domain Type gTLD
Registry Provider Neustar
Country Not Applicable
Maximum Name Length Characters 3-63
Registration Term 1-10 Years
Whois Privacy Available
Domain Locking Available
DNSSEC Available
Explicit Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Date 30 Days Before Expiry.
Grace Period 30 Days
Redemption Period 30 Days
Domain Transfers Accepted
Authcode Available
Premium Names Available
Registration Restrictions None

Why Register .DATE Domain Name

The .date domain name was introduced as part of ICANN’s new gTLD Program, made available to the general public on 1st July, 2015. In today’s rocket age more and more people are turning online to search for a better half. With less time in hand and a busy schedule professionals now seek the internet to find soulmates as opposed to traditional methods of dating. With a dramatic rise in online dating, the .date domain name gives an ideal start for dating websites to instantly connect with love birds searching for a match relevant to their cultural, political or personal interests. As opposed to generic domains the .date domain name is a memorable web address that lets customers quickly recognize what a website has to offer. With rapid rise in smartphones and dating apps, getting your name heard in the dating industry with a traditional .com domain can be a daunting task. Date domain name steps up to the challenge by offering you an exclusive branded domain dedicated for the dating industry. The secret behind registering business-specific domains with high relevance to a particular business category lies in the fact that it eventually ranks a website high up the search engines for industry specific keywords. Hence if you want your dating website to stand apart and outshine your counterparts the .date domain name puts you at the forefront of your business to boost website traffic from day one.

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