Register .club domain to advertise membership plans, activities and latest events.

Starting from $20/yr
Intended Use: Community Websites, Club Websites, Sports Club Websites, Dance Club Websites, Bar Websites, Fan Pages, Comedy Club Websites.

CLUB Domain Highlights

club domain highlights
Domain Type nTLD
Registry Provider ARI
Country Not Applicable
Maximum Name Length Characters 3-63
Registration Term 1-10 Years
Whois Privacy Available
Domain Locking Available
DNSSEC Available
Explicit Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Date 30 Days Before Expiry.
Grace Period 30 Days
Redemption Period 30 Days
Domain Transfers Accepted
Authcode Available
Premium Names Available
Registration Restrictions None

Why Register .CLUB Domain Name

The .club domain name was introduced as part of ICANN's New gTLD program, made available to the general public in May, 2014. By June, 2014, the .club domain name experienced over 50,000 plus domain name registrations making it evident that it has come to stay. Currently there are more than 1.5 million .club domains registered by individuals, business groups, and entertainment service providers. There are millions of clubs around the globe promoting diverse nature of activities for its members, and the .club domain sits perfectly well with each one of them. The word "club" relates to a welcoming place with an openness for like minded people to interact, spend leisure time, and make it an active part of their lifestyle. As the world has gone mobile, individuals from all backgrounds and walks of life actively seek to become a member or a part of a particular lifestyle group in order to satisfy their urge to co-exist with concurring communities. The .club domain name serves as the perfect benchmark for websites promoting all sorts of club activities, events, services and subscription plans. Regardless of what your club promotes the .club domain name drives your customers to join your services. The .club domain name is a picture-perfect choice for sports clubs (tennis club, cricket club, golf club, football club, chess club), community clubs, comedy clubs, bars, book clubs, celebrity fan pages and social media groups in order to attract people who share similar beliefs, passions, and life experiences. If you're a sports club you can always host your .club website to showcase your match timings, subscription plans for players or active learners, club team profile, game day results, event photos and videos. The .club domain name also holds an integral importance for businesses offering loyalty scheme and kinship programs for returning customers. If you are an eCommerce business with a loyalty program in place for customers to ensure they regularly buy from you, the .club domain name offers you with a perfect match to segment your top paying and returning customers based on their loyalty points. You can also host a website on the. club domain to advertise product discounts, and special promotions for premium customers. .Club is also gaining a lot of popularity as it creates a namespace to house the club life. .Club domain can be utilized by modern city night clubs, book clubs, school clubs, sports clubs or VIP clubs built for people to connect with one another. Register .club domain with Zohoster to spread the message across your target audience.

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