Register a .ca domain name to sell products and services to the Canadian markets.

Starting from $19/yr
Intended Use : Entities connected with Canada
Actual Use: Canadian Businesses, Residents, Citizens, Corporations, Legal Representatives, LLC Companies, Partnerships, Political Parties

Domain Information

Domain Type ccTLD
Registry Provider CIRA
Country Canada
Maximum Name Length Characters 1-63
Registration Term 1 - 10 Years
Whois Privacy Not Available
Domain Locking Available
DNSSEC Available
IDNs Available fre
Explicit Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Date 30 Days Before Expiry.
Grace Period 30 Days
Redemption Period 30
Domain Transfers Available
Authcode Available
Premium Names None
Note You must be a Canadian citizen, resident or a business affiliated with Canada having a registered trademark in order to be entitled for a .ca domain name.


.ca is the ccTLD (country code top level domain) for Canada, first registered in 1988 by University of Prince Edward Island. After 1988, there has been a dramatic rise in the .ca domain registrations, with over 2.8 million domains registered on record by April 2019. This top-level domain can be registered by Canadian citizens, residents, businesses, non-profit-organizations, and business entities having an affiliation with Canada such as educational institutes, government run corporations with an official trade mark registered in Canada. Research has shown that Canadians like to browse websites with a .ca extension. Most importantly if you're a business operating in the Canadian namespace with a .com, it is highly recommended you register a .ca domain name extension for your brand before someone else gets a go at it. Having a .ca domain name affiliates your website, its products and service offerings with the people of Canada. Nothing works better than having a .ca at the end of your email or websites for the Canadians. If you're an individual based in Canada seeking to build a remarkable website with a Canadian flare, or a business seeking to promote products and services to the Canadian markets, the .ca domain name is the perfect choice to kick start your online operations. Establish the right connection with your target audience in Canada by speaking their values, national pride, and sense of belonging through a website hosted on .ca domain extension.