Register .cool domain name to share interactive digital content and viral videos.

Starting from $30/yr
Intended Use: Viral News Blogs, Viral Video Websites, Interactive Websites.

Cool Domain Highlights

cool domain name
Domain Type nTLD
Registry Provider Donuts
Country Not Applicable
Maximum Name Length Characters 2-63
Registration Term 1-10 Years
Whois Privacy Available
Domain Locking Available
DNSSEC Available
Explicit Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Date 30 Days Before Expiry.
Grace Period 30 Days
Redemption Period 30 Days
Domain Transfers Accepted
Authcode Available
Premium Names Available
Registration Restrictions None

Why Register .COOL Domain Name

Cool domain name was introduced as part of ICANN's New gTLD Program and made available to the general public for registrations on 07th May 2014. The domain quickly rose to popularity and currently has over 19000 domain registrations worldwide. The .cool domain is a popular choice for blogs, websites, and online community forums that share the cool stuff such as viral videos, breaking news, latest trends in the fashion industry, celebrity news and anything to everything which can be categorized as part of the cool realm. Harness the flexibility of .cool domain by simply adding your business names before the dot to score a cool web space for a remarkable online presence. If you're an artist who wants global recognition or fans/followers on Instagram the .cool domain name is a perfect choice to grow your fan following. Register .cool domain name with Zohoster to create a memorable, interesting and distinguished web address to stand apart from the crowd.

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