Register .clothing domain name to showcase your clothing line and fashion trends.

Starting from $30/yr
Intended Use: Clothing Websites, Fashion Websites, eCommerce Websites, Fashion Designer Websites, Boutique Websites, Clothing Retailer Websites.

Clothing Domain Highlights

clothing domain name
Domain Type nTLD
Registry Provider Donuts
Country Not Applicable
Maximum Name Length Characters 2-63
Registration Term 1-10 Years
Whois Privacy Available
Domain Locking Available
DNSSEC Available
Explicit Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Yes
Auto Renewal Date 30 Days Before Expiry.
Grace Period 30 Days
Redemption Period 30 Days
Domain Transfers Accepted
Authcode Available
Premium Names Available
Registration Restrictions None

Why Register .CLOTHING Domain Name

The .clothing domain introduced as part of ICANN's New gTLD program currently has over 10,000 plus registrations worldwide. The clothing industry goes back to ancient times as the need to cover human body became essential soon after mankind evolved into a social animal. Today it is one of the fastest growing and highest revenue generating business sector around the world. Ecommerce businesses alone contribute towards billions of dollars circulating in the internet name space. It is estimated that the online sales stemming from the clothing businesses hold a significant 25 % share in the eCommerce industry and business websites operating over the world wide web. With thousands of clothing brands across the globe and hundreds of new brands and designers emerging every day the .clothing domain name is an ultimate choice to showcase your clothes and your class as a fashion designer. If you're a fashion blogger, a fashion designer, a boutique owner, an established brand, or a startup clothing retailer offering clothes for men, women, kids, and clothing lines with emerging fashion trends, the .clothing domain name is your perfect bet. It is also a recommended choice for startup brands seeking to establish a strong online presence and attract more visitors to their eCommerce stores. .Clothing domain can be used by any designer, clothing brand and even second hand clothing retailers to offer clothes of all styles and trending fashion. In case your preferred choice of domain name or brand name is unavailable with the traditional .com domain name extension, the .clothing is the perfect alternative to host your clothing website. Help fashion lovers explore your clothing on the internet by registering a .clothing domain name with Zohoster.

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